Sandy Pants Knows

Sandy Pants Knows
My Bed!





BEanie Baby Bonanza

BEanie Baby Bonanza
Beanie Baby Bonanza

When our Eyes First Met

When our Eyes First Met

The Fitzs and the Browns

The Fitzs and the Browns

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 2011 - I year Home!

I cannot believe it has been two months since I last blogged. Phoebe had her 2nd birthday in June and a pool party with lots of friends and family. She is such a social little girl. Words are spilling out of her mouth like crazy. She absolutely loves to swim and is fearless, especially when wearing her puddle jumper. She loves to put her head under the water for a long time. It makes momma nervous so I have to pull her up from time to time. We spend a LOT of time at the public pools this summer. School has been out for 6 weeks, so I have been taking care of her and two friends, Stella and Harriet, sharing time with their Moms. They are all best friends and enemies at the same time, but I think it has provided the consistency she needs until school begins again on July 11th. She was in Ms. Judy (Ms. Joo Joo's class) last year and now in Ms. Nicoles. Going to learn how to potty train - woo hoo. She has peed adn pooped a couple times here in potty earning her a jelly bean or two. She also gets jelly beans for allowing Mom to do her hair which she absolutely dislikes. I have done a fairly good job with the afro puffs this summer but eager to learn how to braid (or pay someone to do it) so I do not have to comb so frequently. Phoebe's favorite color or word these days is yellow and she is mastering repeating everything. Yesterday we celebrated our one year together as a family and had ice cream for dinner. I think we have decided to make it a tradition. Thursday nights are date nights and Phoebe has enjoyed hanging with Uncle Ted. Aunt Katy has been in Guatamala for 7 weeks and we are anxious for her to come home so Phoebe can cook with her and play with the chickens. She has several tomatoes already on the plants Aunt Katy and she planted back in May. Phoebe loves all things girly too - dolls, dress up, etc. She particularly likes to put diapers on and off of the babies and Elmo. She likes to watch Little Bill, Jack's Big Music Show, Yo Gabba Gabba and Sesame Street. Dad and she watch Pixar films together which they call all of them "rats" even when it is not Ratatouille. Mom tries to monitor tv time. Still having trouble sleeping on own but we decided that we love to lay down with her at night. Time passes too quickly. We had a great trip to Outer Banks in May with Aunt Katy, Uncle Ted, Aunt Molly, Uncle Drew and Bridget and Cara. Phoebe is obcessed with Bridgie and Cara and we have been getting her excited about our trip to Kansas City next week. She also loves the Apple Gang (Aunt Denise, Uncle Jim, Henry, Evy, Charlie or "Cheese" as he is known) and spending time in Myrtle Beach. We have already been 3 times and are headed back later this month. I believe Phoebe will be a beach bum one day - shes been to Wrightsville Beach several times, the Outer Banks, Myrtle Beach and two weeks in the Caribbean. Most of all Dad and I feel blessed. We ask ourselves each night how did we get so lucky to have such a lovely, sweet, funny and captivating daughter. She is the best person we know. Thank you God!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Toddler Bed Blues

Wah! Phoebe crawled out of her crib tonight. We had to put her down in her toddler bed which, keep your fingers crossed, seemed to work very well. Well, very well after an hour bedtime struggle. I am not ready for her to get big. We already lost the bottle, but have not yet surrendered the cup.

So what is super cute lately? Phoebe makes hilarious emotional faces when asked. Say sad and she puffs up her lower lip. Say surprised and she opens her mouth wide. Its hilarious. She is also stringing words together more and more. Sit down here and wait here are her favorite commands!

She likes to sit at her big girl table in the kitchen, but we still use the high chair as she does not sit well. She likes to run fast in the front yard. She loves the pool. She loves to follow older kids around. We had a fun day today with Evie Charlie and Henry at Marbles Museum where she walked stuffed dogs and made fake pizzas:)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Early Terrible Twos

Phoebe has had a hard time getting back into her sleep routine but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The "What to Do Toddlers" book is the best. We did a modified "cry it out" that was much more mindful and she is crying but for a short amount of time and ultimately sleeping - whew! We had girls night with Aunt Katy tonight. Phoebe's big new thing is directing you with her hands - come here, I want you to sit here, dance with me. Very demanding and precious! She also had her first day in the YMCA daycare and loved it. Immediately got on the kiddie treadmill. Today, I noticed her belly is nearly gone and it made me sad. She is getting taller, talking, walking, running. Its amazing but going way too quickly.
Hard to imagine you could ever love someone so very much. Everyday, I think about what a blessing she is. She is saying hi, goodbye, thank you, cheese, shoes, Phoebe, and so much more. Its amazing!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Phoebe Update

Okay so I decided to come back to the blog since I have not been so good at keeping notes in a book. Phoebe said her name today! She is getting so very big. Growing out of her clothes. We had a wonderful 2 weeks in St. John. Phoebe adores the water and likes to pretend she can swim!

Friday, July 23, 2010

She's A Dream!

Okay, so I am the lamest blogger ever. Home two weeks with Phoebe and no complaints. She is a dear sweet little girl. We had a trip of a lifetime to Ethiopia - 10 days traveling in the SW part of the country and getting the opportunity to stop in her village (birth). Then 5 amazing days with our daughter in Addis Ababa and our wonderful travel partners, the Browns, who are also from NC. We are truly blessed.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beanie Baby Bonanza

Less than 24 hours and we are off. I can not believe it. We got all these funny beanie babies from our friends Bert and Benny in DC. And my sister gave me even more that once belonged to my nephew who just graduated from UNC. So we have tons of tiny creatures to delight the little ones, plus some clothes, arts supplies, balloons and such. We were also happy to make a donation to help purchase furniture at our agency's care center in Addis. They really need it. We have so much stuff for little Phoebe and Pat and I are challenging our selves to one suitcase - and its not a huge one, hoping that those couple of laundry dates work. I just don't want to schlep 4 bags and carry ons across country.

I can NOT believe we leave on Thursday. Still so much to do including a trip to Immigration tomorrow. Maybe a trip to the store for last minute items and then to make sure we have contact info to all the people who need it including us! Whew!

But my eye is on the prize. Our beautiful little daughter. I cannot believe that our adoption journey is close to being realized. I talk to her daily in hopes that the wind picks up my voice and somehow she feels it. I can't wait to hold her in my arms, watch her sleep and to comfort her when she cries. Sob. I just have to keep my happy face when I meet her because I know I will be overcome with joy.

More to come.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Count Down

I can hardly believe we leave in just over one week. I guess we are fairly ready. Will we ever be? The nursery is basically set up. Our child un-friendly home is somewhat made more child friendly. Phoebe has her first pediatrician appointment two days after she returns. My FMLA was approved at work, I have two showers before I leave even though we don't need much. We wired the money to our tour agency in Addis.

But its the small details that are yet to be completed. Filling out paperwork for the embassy date, getting cards ready for the 32+ people who have taken care of our little girl so well. How can we ever repay them? We need to call our bank and credit card company, the US Embassy and make copies of things. Lots of details but all doable. Glad I have a day or two off to study and do!

The listserve folks are wonderful. Friends you will have for life as you share an incredible experience together. They have been an ear, a shoulder and an invaluable resource.

Off to bed. We'll need to rest as we count down the final week.